You will vant von soon too! So Movember is done and over with. My mustache looked like a cross between a 70's porn star and someone from the TV show Cops, but it was all for a good cause and my wife hasn't left me yet. We have raised all the money that we can. Thank you to everyone who joined the team or donated. Since it is all over, I wanted to make sure we threw some love to those people who put together a good brew for the cause.
The beer poured red with a nice faint dusting of pure white head. It looked like a snowfall on a beautiful sunset. It was not a ton of hops, but enough to make a wicked grown up milk mustache. It had a bready aroma with a hint of the bourbon barrel and a nice earthy hop scent.
The beer was sweet and malty with hints of caramel and obviously the vanilla from the barrel and the vanilla beans added in fermentation. It was sweet and smooth and went down surprisingly fast for a 22 oz of beer. There was almost no alcohol flavor, it was just like drinking a malty soda. There was a slight bourbon oakiness that was pretty intense at the end of the beer. It mixed well with the flavor of the earthy hops and made for a very strong finish to an overall great beer.
I know it may be a while before you can get your hands on this, but make the effort. Its a great beer for a great cause.
Thanks to Flat 12 for putting it together.
I give it 4 beer head mustaches.
O-Dawg: 4 Heads, I would give it another half head if it was off of the Nitro tap... My god there are certain things that Flat 12 does right... and this is so right its wrong... in all the right ways!
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