Thursday, September 13, 2012

Centennial Martyr Double IPA

So I don't hide the fact that IPAs are not my favorite beers. I prefer something sweet and maltier, but in the summer I am happy to go a little hoppy on a hot day.

Thr3e Wisemen does a great job with beer and food. I was out with some of my boys getting ready to head into Broadripple for a night of heavy drinking. There is nothing better than good beer and pizza to prepare you for a night of domestic lite beer and shots of Godknowswhat.

Thr3e Wisemen's Centennial Martyr Double IPA is great. When it comes to you at the bar it has a nice dark yellow brown color with a half inch of head. It was a nice solid dark color for an IPA. That always bodes well for me, because normally it indicates that I am going to get some sweetness with my hops.

This double did not disappoint. It had a floral scent with a hoppy flavor right up front. As it drinks the maltiness comes out and counter acts the bitterness. There is a honey finish that added to the overall complexity of the beer.

All in, it has a very light feel which is great for a summer day.

I give it a 3 1/2

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